Knoxville, Tennessee USA
January 15-17, 2024
Technical Program
The Title Submission Portal is open! Click the link below to begin.
Title Submission Portal
Your submission will be forwarded to the appropriate Section Chair through this portal. The deadline for submitting your presentation title is October 20, 2023. Completion of this form does not register presenters for the conference. You will be required to complete a conference registration also.
Presentations times are 20 minutes (18 minutes plus 2 minutes for questions), but a longer duration can be requested if required. Printed programs will be compiled based on presentation titles submitted. All presentation titles and submitted abstracts are subject to publication, both in print and to CORESTA or other industry-related website, unless specifically requested to the contrary.
To assist all authors, the guidelines needed for preparing your poster presentation or abstract can be found below.
Abstract Guidelines Poster Guidelines